
Zato SpA’s business is based on an effective internal control system, which allows the company to conduct business ethically and consistently with corporate objectives, through an appropriate process of management of the main risks, capable of creating lasting value for shareholders and all stakeholders.
Zato has always beencommitted to operating in full compliance with the values of integrity and transparency that are the essence of our company’s culture and that everyone should know and respect.
In the same way, it is crucial for us to share externally the path taken by the Company, to show you how we intend to carry on the business activity, continuing to invest in the growth of a culture of compliance.


ISO 9001 Quality Certification

The document attests to the quality of our company as well as the materials we use to make our industrial shredders


Model of organization, management and control 231/2001

Legislation 231, introduced in Italy by Legislative Decree no.
231 of 2001, establishes the administrative liability of legal persons for crimes committed in their interest or to their advantage.
This law aims to promote ethical behavior and prevent the involvement of companies in illegal activities by providing penalties for organizations that do not adopt adequate management and control models.


The principles and guidelines that govern the behavior and decisions of all members of our organization, promoting an environment of integrity, respect and professionalism.

Disciplinary system

The disciplinary system provides clear and proportionate penalty measures to ensure compliance with the organizational model.

Risk Assessment

The risk assessment summary identifies and assesses company-specific crime risks, enabling the adoption of appropriate preventive controls.

Crime list

The list of offenses includes all types of offenses under Legislative Decree no.
231, for which the company can be held liable.


Governance defines internal structures and responsibilities to ensure efficient and compliant management.

Information flows and reports to the SB

Information flows and reports to the Supervisory Board (SB) ensure continuous monitoring of the organizational model and timely detection of any violations.


Zato has a system for handling reports-even anonymous ones, provided they are adequately substantiated-regarding unlawful or illegal conduct.
Reports can be made in written or oral form, through the methods described in the Whistleblowing Policy and aimed at ensuring confidentiality regarding the identity of the reporter. Reports will be handled by the Company’s Supervisory Board. Bona fide whistleblowers are protected from any form of discrimination, retaliation or penalization, and the proper fulfillment of the duty to report may not result in the initiation of disciplinary proceedings or the application of related sanctions.
The adoption of the mentioned system does not preclude, in any case, the reporting of any violations of laws or government regulations to the competent authority.
The Organizational Model, Code of Ethics and Policy, designed to inspire and guide the behavior of Zato’s staff and all our stakeholders, are available to you.