Blue Sorter separation lines efficiently sort and separate all metals from the output of Single Shredders, Twin Shaft Shredders, and Hammer Mills.

Impianti di separazione metalli ferrosi

Blue Sorter Ferrous

Impianti di separazione metalli non ferrosi

Blue Sorter non-ferrous

Separation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals

Downstream of the shredding and shuttering facilities, these separation systems are essential for the efficient recycling of metals thanks to their ability to sort different metal fractions such as iron, aluminium, copper, brass, etc. These lines are thus able to offer significant economic and environmental benefits by delivering high value materials to the steel market

Video separation lines

Blue Sorter

The ideal scrap yard: Access Metal Recycling chooses Zato industrial shredders

Synergy between Zato industrial shredder and separation lines in scrap shredding

Perfect combo: Blue Devil twin-shaft shredder, Blue Shark hammer mill, Blue Sorter separation line

Blue Shark, Blue Devil, Blue Sorter: the Trio of metal recycling plants

Separation plants for ferrous and nonferrous metals are ideal for separating:

Impianti trattamento rottame ferroso leggero

Lightweight ferrous
scrap HMS2

Impianti di triturazione veicoli


Impianti per la triturazione e il riciclo di rottami in balle

Ferrous scrap baled

Triturazione e trattamento di rottami in alluminio


Impianti di triturazione ASR


Cars in packets

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