Zato product videos

Collection of videos to show the main features and practical applications of each product.
From videos that focus on the treatment of a particular scrap to entire recycling plants for ferrous or nonferrous materials.
Start discovering the world of Zato through our videos now!

Video Hammer Mills

Blue Shark

Perfect combo: Blue Devil twin-shaft shredder, Blue Shark hammer mill, Blue Sorter separation line

Twin shaft shredder + hammer mill + separation line: the perfect combination

Sapa with Zato for a greener future

The ideal scrap yard: Access Metal Recycling chooses Zato industrial shredders

Blue Shark FP 16-13 on-site assembly in record time

Blue Shark FP 16-13 on site assembly in record time

Video twin shaft shredders

Blue Devil

Pre-Shredder in action: a baled ELV shredded in 40 seconds

Alfa Recycling’s Breakthrough with Zato’s Blue Devil twin shaft Shredder

Increase your shredding scrap productivity with the Blue Devil

Blue Devil Industrial Shredder’s Skeleton: Efficient volume, reduction of transport costs

Blue Devil is a “monster” when shredding scrap metal at Morris Scrap Metal Co. Inc.

Blue Devil twin shaft shredder: the best way to process various scrap materials

Blue Devil twin-shaft shredder processing aluminium scrap for Baldetti Giorgio S.r.l.

Blue Devil is the best partner for metalworking company Fiducia S.r.l.

Blue Devil reduces in size aluminum scrap at Zoffoli Metalli

Shredding engine blocks in Blue Devil twin shaft shredder

Blue Devil: harmonic steel

Blue Devil in 30 seconds

Blue Devil GF4000 crushing trucks and cars’ engine blocks

Blue Devil shredding a car in 60 seconds

Video twin shaft shredders

Blue Storm

Blue Storm facilitates brass melting at Eredi Gnutti Metalli

Blue Storm GF1000 facilitates brass casting at Eredi Gnutti Metalli

Video single-shaft shredders

Blue Marlin

Not just aluminium! Blue Marlin is the multi-material shredder for any lightweight scrap need

Video separation lines

Blue Sorter

The ideal scrap yard: Access Metal Recycling chooses Zato industrial shredders

Synergy between Zato industrial shredder and separation lines in scrap shredding

Perfect combo: Blue Devil twin-shaft shredder, Blue Shark hammer mill, Blue Sorter separation line

Blue Shark, Blue Devil, Blue Sorter: the Trio of metal recycling plants

Video demolition shears


Cayman Shears: marine demolition in progress!

Cayman demolition shear sports its cutting performance

Meet Cayman Demolition Shears!

Cayman 30R demolition shear: performance you can measure

Cayman in 60 seconds

Cayman 40R in action

Demolition Shear Cayman RC120 Underwater

Video demolition shears


Introducing the Cayman railbreaker – demolition shear

Zato plants product videos

Perfect combo: Blue Devil twin-shaft shredder, Blue Shark hammer mill, Blue Sorter separation line

Blue Shark, Blue Devil, Blue Sorter: the Trio of metal recycling plants